For this child I prayed.

For this child I prayed.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017


The Facebook memories option was a great addition to the site. I love seeing what happened on years prior. Reminders of life and where we've come from. This morning shows me photos of where we were two years ago. Two years ago we were still in for our longest hospital stay with Layla. We went in with her, honestly unsure of if we'd come out with her. It was some of the scariest, hardest times of my life. Standing tall and keeping my emotions generally inside, prevented me from breaking down. There were many tears but there could have been so many more. I had to power through that time, to be the voice for this child that had no voice. I remember being scared to ask for help, scared to let others in to what was going on. I kept hidden the reality out of fear that as soon as I spoke it, I somehow gave it power and there was no way she could get "better". There was a fear that others didn't really care because they all had their own worlds. Which is true in a way, and completely understandable. But I have slowly learned and am quick to admit that I am completely not able to do this on my own.. I need help. There are others who have come into our lives that are able to take on some of the complexity that is our life and I am so incredibly thankful for them. 
Here we are two years later, still with our little girl. She's so much happier and healthier than that point. I am forever grateful to every specialist, doctor, nurse, therapist that has worked with her and continues to. Two years ago we were told our daughter DIDN'T have SMA (A horrific disease which pretty much guaranteed she wouldn't live to see her second birthday.) But they weren't sure what she had, and that they could give a much better outcome. Some of the goals of that month long hospital stay were to get Layla nourished, and to confirm a diagnosis. She had been diagnosed with "Failure to thrive" as she was slowly wasting away, unable to keep down enough food to continue much longer. Countless tests were preformed but unfortunately we left without an answer. Thankfully we left with a new feeding tube which was an absolute necessity to getting some energy and weight back into our girl. 
After two years of continued searching for a diagnosis with no luck we are heading down to the States in just a couple days. Hard to believe this is where we are from where we came. I couldn't have guessed it would take so long to get more answers. Somewhere along my journey I taught myself to not be excited about things. I keep my expectations low so that there is no where to go but up. It's not healthy at all but that's just where I'm at. There's a chance we'll come home with a diagnosis but I need to not expect one so that I won't be as disappointed. Opening up about our world is humbling and scary. But healthy. Helps me not go into a world of isolation, which could be so easy.  

Bless her. June 2015


  1. Thinking and praying for you guys as you leave soon!! We have hope!
    Looking at that photo gives me knots in my stomach...a parent's worst nightmare and you and Aaron still weather the storm.
    Sending lots of love your way give Layla an extra squeeze from me!

  2. Such a journey you've all been on, I'm so thankful for the choices you guys made and the advocates you've been for Layla! She is thriving because of them. Praying for you as you make this next leg of your journey..praying they find a diagnosis for Layla ❤️ Love you all so so much ❤️❤️
