With one month to go until the diagnostic trip to the States for the Undiagnosed Disease Network, it feels like there's a lot to sort out. We are so excited but there are still a lot of questions. How do we fly on an airplane with Layla now that she's over 2 and has to have her own seat? I have spent years working in airlines and have seen many people travel that required wheelchair assistance but I have never seen someone with no neck control. My best thought so far is bringing a carseat on board and then having the seat reclined and her neck collar on. Seems easy enough but I know that if they do this, they have to block the seat behind Layla and they will be unable to make that money, does that require paying for an extra seat? I will be calling the airline next week to try and getting everything organized to the best of my ability. Plus, I will make sure to have multiple doctors notes for the special requirements with medications, feeding supplies and seating.
We also need to sort out a rental car. It will have to be big enough to fit her wheelchair in the back which adds to the cost. But I figure since we don't have to pay for our flights nor accommodations we can splurge a bit on the vehicle and get an SUV or something with a large trunk space.
A woman I've been speaking to, through email, has been sharing her recent experience taking her daughter to the same diagnostic testing. It's nice to get an idea of what the week may look like for us. She was very happy that they went and for the information they discovered. Her daughter is required to go back for a second trip- which I guess is something we should prepare for. The visit sounds incredibly busy. Every day they were at the clinic/hospital from 7am to 5pm and it was jammed with appointments and tests. Struggling to find time to even eat some days. I'll be thankful for the car rental to get out of there in the evenings, find a nice patio to have dinner on and debrief after the long days.
In other news, we were recently approved for extra home nursing hours! This has given so far an extra shift of respite a week and I think we may even get another once I train a new nurse. It came at the perfect timing with a lot of things going on. I was so scared they were going to cut back on the hours because of Layla sleeping more than she used to and being a lot happier. I am reminded of when a hospice doctor told me that as Layla ages and the gap between her and typical kids of her age broadens, you should see more support. This is why it's hard to get help for infants and younger babies because even typical ones have higher needs. Having the nurses now seeing our day to day lives and advocate to their manager for us was a huge help. Plus with seizures and suction added since the last assessment, it shows the need.
Trying to stay strong, to rise above focusing on how different my parenting role is than the majority can be exhausting. It hits me every so often with these moments where the weight of the emotional, mental and physical requirements seem too much. I'm struck with a grief of what I had hoped being a mother would be, and what my child would become. Seeing other children do seemingly simple things with ease brings a prick of pain to my heart.
So for the sake of keeping things on a positive note let me close with a celebration of something new Layla CAN do. She has been appropriately responding to peek-a-boo. And it's pretty darn cute. We will lift her arm up over her eyes and repeat in an obnoxious voice "Where's Layla?" She will smile and verrryy slowly slide her arm down her face and when we exclaim "There she is!" her legs will kick and she'll let out her big, squeal-y, belly laugh. It's like she's just so proud of herself. And we ARE of her. It truly is amazing to watch this girl flourish. To see a personality come out and reactions to the familiar makes it worth it. I truly love her with all my heart, and more.
Layla attempting to eat my face.